Catechism Club for 5th Grade
Catechism Club for 5th graders is a time to focus on learning the basics of our faith and growing in Christ. Our hope is to ease the 5th graders into a more “youth group” style environment. They will gather in between services (10:20-10:50) in the Youth Room. The Catechism Club will study the Westminster Shorter Catechism, enjoy donuts, and fellowship. It will also be a time for them to prepare for their Confirmation year, which is 6/7 grade. Dates: September 8, 15, 22, & 29; October 20 & 27; November 3 & 10.
Children’s Ministry

Nursery during Worship is for infants – 3 year olds. Covenant provides a safe, clean and loving place for our littlest to be during Worship. Our nursery is not just babysitting little ones but an opportunity to minister to them by loving them and caring for their needs. Experienced child care workers take extra special care of every child.
CovKids Sunday school:
Sunday school for children ages 2-4th grade is during both worship services. Our goal is to create disciples for Christ. This time is our main tool of discipleship for the kids. The teachers build relationships with them, guide the class through God’s Word by reading and studying together, and proclaiming the Gospel in each lesson.
The curriculum is a two-year rotation and is purposed to plant seeds of the Gospel in the hearts of the children who attend.
If you have the call on your heart to teach our little ones, please contact
Classes offered:
Two and three year olds
Pre-K & Kindergarten
1st & 2nd grade
3rd & 4th grade

CovGirls & CovBoys Bible Club is an after school time on Wednesdays of Bible study, snack, and fellowship. Girls and boys will meet separately twice a month. The kids will study and focus on God’s attributes and build community with each other.
CovBoys Dates for Fall: September 18, October 2, 16, 30, November 13, & December 11
CovGirls Dates for Fall: September 11 & 25, October 9 & 23, Novmber 6, & December 4