Adult Ministry
Small Groups
“Grow together, through the Word of God, and closer to Christ”
Small Groups are the primary avenue of Biblical discipleship & genuine fellowship in the life of Covenant. Small groups meet in the Fall and the Spring. I invite you to dig in and learn about Scripture’s core unshakable convictions about God, the Person & Work of Christ, the work of the Holy Spirit, the trustworthiness of God’s Word, the Christian life, and the mission of Christ’s Church. Reach out to to find a group.

When: Thursday evenings (see dates below) 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Where: @ the Woods’ 6 Spring Bank North, Mobile, Alabama 36608
Why: Because with the growing number of young adults in the Church, we want to have a place where they can meet, connect, and grow together in their walk with Jesus.
What: a study of “Jesus On the Way.” We’ll open up and see how Jesus encounters people as they are trying to navigate their way through life, and how in meeting Christ, they are challenged to the core, their lives are radically altered, and their purpose and meaning is finally made clear.
I hope you’ll join us each month as we meet once a month through this Fall( 9/26, 10/24 & 11/21). Just bring yourself, maybe a friend, and your Bible if you have one.6:30
Join us for J-Term Classes!
Reading the Bible for All it’s Worth (Taught By Lanier)
The Bible is the Word of God for the people of God. It is the sole source of perfectly reliable truth. By God’s grace it has been recored & written for God’s people to know and believe in Him. Yet, while we may know many things about the Bible, many struggle to know what it says, and for that reason, struggle to read the Bible for all its worth.
This class will be very practical. We’ll talk a bit about how to read the Bible, how to know what it is talking about and when, and we will deepen our ability to Listen to God as he speaks when we open His Word.
Cultivating a Healthy Marriage (Taught By Alec)
A healthy marriage isn’t something that simply happens. A healthy marriage is not something we simply have to hope happens. A healthy marriage can be cultivated. This is a class for anyone who is married, engaged, or considering getting married. Whether you are living in blissful joy, or dragging through the doldrums of a stale relationship, every marriage needs time and attention. I promise you won’t get into a fight on the way home. Maybe you’ll get a kiss.
Applications of Redemption (Taught By Sonny)
We work hard to protect our image. We will go to lengths to lie, hide, and run to disguise our true selves from others. We are scared to acknowledge our weaknesses even to ourselves. This is exhausting. This is bondage. But, this does not have to be so. Instead, our God offers us freedom and a way forward to live life to the fullest right now that leads to glory that awaits us who belong to Christ. Join me as we talk about two applications of redemption that will deepen our understanding of what Christ did for us and what the Holy Spirit freely applies to us who belong to Christ.

Men’s Bible Study
Thursday’s from 6:30-7:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Any man is invited to come at any time. We study the Scripture and have discussion. You do not have to have any prior knowledge or know Hebrew. Just show up and see what God does! For more information, contact
Ladies’ Thursday Bible Study
Ladies, please join us Thursdays starting September 5th at 9:30 a.m. or 6:30 p.m. Through our study of Acts, we will see the power of the Holy Spirit, the growth of the early church, and the spread of the Gospel. Nursery will be available for the morning study.
Contact: Kitty York (
Click here to register

New Life Moms Group:
Moms and their babies, join us the first Friday of every month in Fellowship Hall. Babies will coo and crawl and moms will spend time together! Fall dates: September 20, October 18, & November 22 (no meeting in December). Questions? Email Rachel Thibodeaux ( or Chelsey Taylor ( We hope to see you there!
Community Bible Study
Wednesday mornings, 9:30 a.m.-11:20 starting August 21st
Study: Matthew
Contact: Julie McLeod
Community Bible Study is an interdenominational Bible study that brings people together around God’s Word. The Mobile Class consists of women from all ages, back-grounds and levels of Bible knowledge. A CBS Class is designed to be a welcoming environment that support each participant as she engages God’s Word both personally and corporately. There are 5 essentials of CBS which include Individual Study, Encouraging discussion groups, effective teaching, insightful commentary all in a caring community.
Covenant Presbyterian is the host church for the Mobile Class. If you’d like to know more about CBS in general you may visit the website: